DIVE in Mexico ’24

The first week of August I was honored to get to travel with a team of five others to Mexico.  We went to the highland region west of Mexico City, in the vicinity of Toluca.  We were joined by our friends from the New Castle Foursquare Church, who originated the DIVE program a number of

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Far & Hard
Steve Mathews

Cebu, Philippines November 2024

I will be traveling with Dennis Alejo of Kingdom Legacy Ministries this November!  It will be an honor to both travel and minister with Dennis in Cebu, Philippines, and minister to the feeding program that Kingdom Legacy has established there to help the least of these.  Take a look at this video and consider how

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Water4Life Mozambique Offers Real Water for Life

Since 2015, Water4 Life Mozambique has been offering clean fresh water to communities all over rural Mozambique.  Fresh, clean water is a difficult thing to come by in the bush.  Women and young girls are often the most affected by the lack of clean water, as they have to fetch water in containers and carry

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Steve Mathews

Anchor Church of Buffalo, Pastor Steve Johnson

I have had the honor of serving Lifespring Church for 25 years and counting!  I love my church.  I love the people here, I love the deep, deep, Godly heritage that was birthed in a time when this nation was coming into a war over men’s freedom. I call that our “Legacy of Freedom.”  I

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Hephzibah 62:4
Steve Mathews

Hephzibah 62:4

Lifespring Church has been a long time supporter of the ministry of Hephzibah.  From the days of being a home for unwed mothers, to a foster care home we have felt compelled by the love of Jesus to continue in prayer and financial support of this vital ministry.  Due to changing administrations in the state

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Global Missions
Steve Mathews

A Day in the Life of a Missionary #2, Jim Pickett

While in Mozambique in July, we were hosted by longterm Global Partners Missionary Jim Pickett.  This is the second story I was able to record of a Day in the Life of a Missionary.  This one is subtitled “At the Moment He Was Set Free.”  Jim shared with me the experience of praying over the

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A Day In The Life Of A Missionary

I was honored to travel to Mozambique, Africa in July.  The trip was sponsored by the Crossroads District of the Wesleyan Church, Lifespring Church and Global Partners, the missions arm of the Wesleyan Church.  I travelled with Dr. Jim Lo to Xai-Xai (pronounced shy-shy), where there is a Wesleyan Bible College.  Some of my dearest

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Resilient Church
Steve Mathews

Resilient Church, Vermillion South Dakota

Lifespring Church supports a variety of missional efforts around the world. We consider our missional grid to determine who we support, and in what way we will support. Jake Thurston grew up at the former Fountain City Wesleyan church and went off to college at Indiana Wesleyan University with a call on his life. He

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Hephzibah 62:4
Steve Mathews

Mosaic Church of Detroit, MI

I Back in March, I was able to visit and strike up a new friendship with Michael Newton.  He is the Co-Pastor of Mosaic Church in the Rosa Parks district of Detroit MI.  I spent a Friday afternoon/evening seeing the work that God is doing through this dynamic ministry.  We support Mosaic through our missions

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Global Missions
Steve Mathews

Cyclone Freddy Wreaks Havoc on Mozambique/Malawi for a Second Time

In the everyday news cycle here in the US, we are so self-absorbed that the news around the world is barely a blip on our radar! This situation has been going on for nearly 6 weeks! This storm has been circling around in the Indian Ocean and after hitting the coast of Mozambique 3-4 weeks

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Global Missions
Steve Mathews

Wesleyan Mission of Haiti, March 2023

In November of 2018, Lifespring church was planning to send a team of 4 men to help with some work that was needed at the Wesleyan compound on the island of La Gonave, Haiti. Our plans were postponed due to turmoil caused by the political dissension going on at that time. We were told we

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Global Missions
Steve Mathews

World Hope Turkey/Syria Relief

Over the years, Lifespring Church has partnered with World Hope International in a number of missions. Our partnership started with wells in Mozambique. Then it went on to an anti-trafficking awareness in Liberia, among others. Recently, we heard about the terrible earthquake that flattened large areas in Turkey and Syria, we wondered how to get

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Haiti Wesleyan Mission Update February 2023

Friends, this is a letter I received from Greg Edmonds, who is the director at Wesleyan Scheduling in Haiti. We’ve never officially met, but have become what I feel are friends through our attempts to travel to Haiti over the past 4-5 years. It has been an incredible challenge, to which we have not been

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Mozambique New Year’s News 01.04.23

Happy new year friends of Shadowland Sojourner!  The following is a letter I just received from Filipe Macarengue who is the  president of Tai-Xai Bible College.  He also oversees the College on Wheels (COW) project which is traveling in the northern parts of the country.  Mozambique is quite a large country and one of the

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12.05.22 Grand Total as of Today!

As of this afternoon we have a total of $1,570.28!!  Woo hoo!  Praise the Lord!  We have a little less than two weeks to go, I’m believing and praying that we will make it to our goal of $6,900.  It’s gonna be a challenge but I believe with God’s help we’ll make it!

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Update to Money4Missions Project 12.05.22

Here’s an update to our Money4Missions project with Water4Life Mozambique to drill a well.  Check out this Vlog, and check back later as we plan to post the amount that we’ve raised so far!  Remember, the deadline is Sunday December 18th. There has been a little confusion as to why there were empty tubes in

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M&M-Money for Missions Right Here!

A great big Thank You for your continuing prayers and support! Don’t forget to bring in your M&M tubes filled with quarters to help us drill a well in Mozambique! Check out today’s vlog entry right here:

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Steve Mathews

What’s In A Name?

ShadowLandSojourner 11.17.22   What’s in a Name?   “Let’s start at the very beginning… A very good place to start.”  – Rogers & Hammerstein In the forming of this idea, to write, promote, reveal, equip, expose; There arose a need to come up with some sort-of pithy name that would both pique curiosity, and draw

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About Shadowland Sojourner

Interested in learning more about the name Shadowland Sojourner?  In this video, Dennis Alejo interviews Pastor Steve Mathews, LifeSpring Church Mission’s Pastor, about the heart of Shadowland Sojourner.

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