Anchor Church of Buffalo, Pastor Steve Johnson

I have had the honor of serving Lifespring Church for 25 years and counting!  I love my church.  I love the people here, I love the deep, deep, Godly heritage that was birthed in a time when this nation was coming into a war over men’s freedom. I call that our “Legacy of Freedom.”  I love the Legacy of Love that has been a huge part of this church as long as we’ve been here, and for decades before we arrived on the scene.  I also love our Legacy of Leadership development.  That has a different sort of feel that the legacy of love.  In our hearts we know we should spread the love of Jesus: here, near, far & hard.  But to be about the business of developing leaders doesn’t always ring in our hearts as much as loving others.  The truth is, it was at the center of Jesus’ earthly ministry!  He knew that in order to not only advance the Kingdom in His day, but to advance it for the generations to come, it would take and investment.  One of our core values here at Lifespring is: We Value Each Generation Investing in the Next Generation.  Without that investment, there is no future!  This church took a chance on me around 30 years ago, and ultimately hired me around 25+ years ago.  It wasn’t random, and I was mentored and grew up under the leadership of Pastor David Anderson.  There were many other leaders that poured into my life, but he was there at the beginning of my time here and stood by me, mentored me, loved me hard sometimes.

This video is the story of Steve Johnson, who came to know Jesus here at this church, was mentored by Pastors Rob Muldoon, and David Anderson and grew to hear God’s call on his life to become a pastor.  Of course, it’s hard to pack all that happened into a 3-4 minute video, but I remember Steve as a youth.  When God got ahold of him, a fire was lit in his heart.  He has served faithfully ever since.  In this video, Steve tells very briefly how this church invested in his life.  He is thankful, and so am I, that he heard the call and went.  Not only that, but he was loved, mentored and poured into.

Thank you Steve for listening to God’s call on your life!  And thanks for stopping by Lifespring to take time and share with us a brief snapshot of what’s going on today!  God continue to be with you dear Brother!

Watch HERE!

Steve Mathews
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