Water4Life Mozambique Offers Real Water for Life

Since 2015, Water4 Life Mozambique has been offering clean fresh water to communities all over rural Mozambique.  Fresh, clean water is a difficult thing to come by in the bush.  Women and young girls are often the most affected by the lack of clean water, as they have to fetch water in containers and carry it for sometime extremely long distances.  It is generally dirty, or contaminated in some dreadful way.  By drilling deep, Water4Life supplies a better option, as the water is fresh and safe, I know, as I’ve drank from a number of wells across the nation.  It creates better health for the women, girls and their families.  It’s safer because they don’t have to travel so far to get water.  It is better for personal hygiene.  Overall, it helps their lives to be more productive, as they are healthier, and it is just overall a better way of life.

But there are a couple of other things that make Water4Life an incredible investment for the Kingdom of God.  The well drilling team is made up of all pastors.  As they do the work, they interact with the people, especially the curious children who show up to watch as the work is being done. Then the wells are almost always drilled of existing church sites, or properties where a church is being planned.  So, when a well is drilled, there’s a great opportunity to offer the real Water for life that Jesus speaks of in John 4.

Take time to watch this video!  It explains it a little further and for more direct information, you can go to: https://water4lifemozambique.org

To watch the video click here:

Steve Mathews
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