DIVE in Mexico ’24

The first week of August I was honored to get to travel with a team of five others to Mexico.  We went to the highland region west of Mexico City, in the vicinity of Toluca.  We were joined by our friends from the New Castle Foursquare Church, who originated the DIVE program a number of years ago.  On the team from Lifespring was Pastor Ashley Lee, and her daughter Brooklyn and myself.  From New Castle we were joined by Pastor Jim Becker, Pastor Jennifer Bromley, and her daughter Olivia.

DIVE stands for “Discovering Important Values for Eternity.”  In the USA it is an after school program where young student come and establish the “Four Musts” as their daily habits.

Must #1 (Heart):  I must love God, I must love others, and I must love myself.

Must #2 (Head):  I must think good thoughts and tell the truth.

Must #3 (Habits):  I must have courage to make wise choices.

Must #4 (Hands):  I must do good to those around me.

We were able to train over 100 leaders to implement DIVE into after school clubs, and teach the children about the love and responsibility of sharing Jesus with others.

This video is a quick look into our trip.  In the not too distant future I will be making a longer version to show a lot more of what went on while we were there.  God is indeed on the move!  It was exciting to watch the churches take hold of this curriculum, and see the children come and participate in all the fun!

Take a quick look here!

Steve Mathews
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