A Day In The Life Of A Missionary

I was honored to travel to Mozambique, Africa in July.  The trip was sponsored by the Crossroads District of the Wesleyan Church, Lifespring Church and Global Partners, the missions arm of the Wesleyan Church.  I travelled with Dr. Jim Lo to Xai-Xai (pronounced shy-shy), where there is a Wesleyan Bible College.  Some of my dearest friends are there, and over the course of the next couple of months, I plan to unpack the trip and some of the experiences we shared.  I have not written in a while due to busyness and other travels and personal vacation.  But, that all changes now, as with this story, we will launch a series of stories/videos to help tell the story of the Kingdom work that is going on in Mozambique.

Revs. Jim & Karen Pickett have been serving with Global Partners nearly 25 years in the field of Mozambique.  Currently Karen is in the US taking care of her parents and working on other various ministry activities.  Jim stayed on the ground in Xai-Xai to help maintain a missionary presence in the area.  On our last visit, Jim hosted Dr. Lo and me while we taught at the Bible College there.  Over dinner one evening, Jim was sharing a number of the stories of being a missionary there in Mozambique, and some of the challenges they’ve faced, as well as the incredible faithfulness of God in the midst of serving in this place that we Americans would consider the “ends of the earth.”  Jim has such a heart for the Lord and those he is called to serve.  We discussed the possibility of recording some of his stories on video and making them available for people to hear and be encouraged by.  So, this is the first of several installments from Rev. Jim Pickett.  We were actually on our way out of the country, and realized we had talked about doing this but ran short on time.  So on the Saturday we were heading to Nelspruit, South Africa we had some extra time and set up a camera in my hotel room and I was able to capture some treasures.  Thank you Jim and Karen!  Your ministry continues to touch many lived for the the Glory of the Lord, and it is always a joy and privilege to come alongside you and serve the beautiful Body of Christ there in Mozambique.  I hope this story is a blessing to you as it is to me.  Enjoy!

Steve Mathews
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