World Hope Turkey/Syria Relief

Over the years, Lifespring Church has partnered with World Hope International in a number of missions. Our partnership started with wells in Mozambique. Then it went on to an anti-trafficking awareness in Liberia, among others. Recently, we heard about the terrible earthquake that flattened large areas in Turkey and Syria, we wondered how to get help where it was needed most. We were made aware of this particular ministry effort through our connections with World Hope.

There were not many upsides to all the tragedy that occurred due to the global pandemic, but here is a pocket of good news that has happened as a result of circumstances that we thought were beyond our control. Due to global travel coming to a standstill during the pandemic, the funds that we received for our Missions budget continued to accumulate, and we have ended up with a surplus. Praise God for His incredible provision, and blessing us in the midst of that trial. Thanks to the faithful people of Lifespring Church, we’ve been able to help World Hope in a big way! We were able to give $12,000 in response! All glory is due to God, and we praise Him that we get to participate in His ministry and help empower World Hope to bring relief to this region. If you’d like to learn more, or even consider giving directly to the ministry at World Hope, you can connect right here:

Thanks again for your continued prayer support and your willingness to “GIVE”! Around here, we always advocate that if you hang your hat here at Lifesping, you are involved in Missions! You can be involved in one, two, or all these ways: either PRAY, GIVE, or GO! Thank you for your faithfulness in giving so generously!

Steve Mathews
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